Email Action: Don’t Let China Silence You: Stand up for Tibet!

Email Action: Don’t Let China Silence You: Stand up for Tibet!

Remind Australia’s Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, that Australians believe in human rights and that we support Tibet.

Remind Australia’s Prime Minister and Trades Minister that they should not allow China to set the agenda in our trade talks and they will not accept any conditions where Australia is silent about Tibet.

As Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and the Minister for trade they have a duty to represent the wishes of the Australian people – who believe that human rights and Tibet are more important than trade.

Remind Australia’s Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, that Australians believe in human rights and that we support Tibet.

Remind Australia’s Prime Minister and Trades Minister that they should not allow China to set the agenda in our trade talks and they will not accept any conditions where Australia is silent about Tibet.

As Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and the Minister for trade they have a duty to represent the wishes of the Australian people – who believe that human rights and Tibet are more important than trade.

image of Email Action: Don’t Let China Silence You: Stand up for Tibet!

Email the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Trade Minister to Stand Up for Tibet!

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